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Is It Oxytocin?
What is it that makes the Strengthening Exercise able to stop high anxiety and keep panic from even starting? When I first developed the Exercise, I was simply trying to "change the subject" by directed an anxiety-producing thought away from flying to keep it from triggering another anxiety-producing thought. But soon I found that there was a huge difference in the results, depending upon where the thoughts were redirected.
For example, a woman who was a skilled equestrian linked a moment of flying to moments riding her horse. She got poor results. We went over the exercise time and again. The results never were good. But on the other hand, women who linked moments of flight to holding their newborn child got amazing results right from the first flight.
I had been hesitant to use connection with a newborn in the exercise because I thought the mother might think, "If I fly, maybe I'll never see my child again." It simply did not work that way. No moment used in the Strengthening Exercise got results that matched nursing a newborn.
That suggested the oxytocin link. Research showed that when a mother is nursing a newborn, a large amount of oxytocin is produced. When oxytocin is present, it causes the fear system to shut down.
Though we don't have definite research that proves oxytocin is the hormone that makes the Strengthening Exercise work, the research that has been done on oxytocin strongly suggests that oxytocin is the key factor. We do know that simply recalling a moment of empathic connection produces oxytocin. Thus, when we link moments of flight to such a memory, flying - in turn - causes oxytocin to be produced.
Marriage and Family Therapist Linda Graham has written an article on the power of oxytocin which you can find at this link. I emailed her that I am writing a book on fear of flying and am looking for research that implicates oxytocin as the hormone at work in the Strengthening Exercise.
She emailed back, "My understanding of the research is: fear causes the amygdala in our brain to release cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes the fight-flight response in our bodies. Oxytocin, which can be released in the brain by evoking the kinds of memories or visualizations you describe in your e-mail sends a signal to the amygdala to stop releasing the cortisol; the effects are immediate. Cortisol levels plummet, heart rate slows down. There are even studies that prove that holding the hand of someone you love, or thinking of someone you love, creates a buffer which prevents the stress hormone from being released in the first place."
Linda has several articles on her web site at Click on the first one, The Neuroscience Of Attachment, to read how we humans develop the ability to calm ourselves and to connect with one another.
I'm happy to share with you that I made it through not one, but four flights! There were no direct flights from Oakland, California to Baltimore, Maryland so we had to make one stop over on each leg of the trip, for a total of four takes offs and four landings!
Many Blessings,
The first leg was Oakland to Denver, where is was snowing! I thought I was going to be so nervous about the snow, but seeing them de-ice the plane and remembering all of the information about the technicians that you give in the How Flying Works DVDs helped me to realize that the crew knew what they were doing.
It was amazing to see that green de-ice liquid arc over the wing on take off. I of course had a window seat right overlooking the wing and could see the air brakes and ailerons just like you said in the DVDs. It was comforting to see it all come together.
I was a bit uneasy with the sensations of landing, but I had not problems with the take-offs. So I had your "Take Me Along" segments on my iPod and those helped ease me into the landings.
We went on from Denver to Baltimore, we hit a hard patch of turbulence and it really was abrupt. I had a moment where I had to have my friend help me rationalize, but my fear didn't go past 5 and I calmed down very quickly once I realized the pilot took us down a few feet to get out of the turbulence.
The flight back home went from Baltimore to Kansas City. And from Kansas City back to Oakland. It was a gorgeous day - the sun was shining and the views from the plane were truly inspiring. I had no problems at all on the return flight. Even though I had some apprehension and premonition thinking on the way to the airport - it still was never more than a 1 and I got on the plane pretty much worry free - just observing my thoughts not making them into a movie and remembering that air is like jell-o.
Thank you so so much for putting this course together! I have been afraid to fly for 11 years - I had not been on a plane since 1998! And now I can't wait to go to Europe!
I also have to add that my father-in-law was a Colonel in the Air Force and my husband and I we were going back East on this trip for his funeral service at Arlington. It meant the world to me that I could honor this great man by being able to get in the sky and fly out for his service. I know he is proud of me, as I am proud of myself.
Thank you again.
Many Blessings,
SOAR Will Work For You Too
SOAR was established in 1982 because no programs existed that could
help people with moderate to severe difficulties. Even today, no other
program offers help that is effective except for mild difficulties. No
matter how difficult flying is for you, we can help.
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You will feel better as soon as you make the decision.
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we can talk it over. You will feel better as soon as you decide to act.
We are always here to help. As you go through the program, call or email whenever you have a question or a concern.

The Two Concerns I Have Written About Here Repeatedly
Though flying is ultra safe, there are things that need to be done that can be done but are not being done. Why? Because the FAA is a political organization - not a safety organization. It only acts in response to public outcry after a disaster. And then, what is does is more to placate the public than to improve safety.
Runway incursions and pilot fatigue. The FAA has "studied" the problem for years and done nothing. Not the NTSB is criticizing the FAA for the same two issues.
NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman says the FAA has failed to implement the six runway safety recommendations that the board issued in 2000. The FAA has repeatedly responded that they need more time for further analysis.
On pilot fatigue, Senate Transportation Committee Chairman John D. Rockefeller stated, "Addressing pilot fatigue is an issue for which it has taken far too long to achieve meaningful reform, This has always been a critical issue, yet it has languished on the National Transportation Safety Board's Most Wanted List of Safety Improvements since the list was first published nearly two decades ago."
On pilot fatigue, Senate Transportation Committee Chairman John D. Rockefeller stated, "Addressing pilot fatigue is an issue for which it has taken far too long to achieve meaningful reform, This has always been a critical issue, yet it has languished on the National Transportation Safety Board's Most Wanted List of Safety Improvements since the list was first published nearly two decades ago."
Full story at this link.
Discuss Or Schedule An Individual Session -- Call 877 332-7359
Call between 11 AM and 6 PM Eastern Time (same time zone as New York)
You'll reach me easily. The toll-free number rings my cell phone.
Call between 11 AM and 6 PM Eastern Time (same time zone as New York)
You'll reach me easily. The toll-free number rings my cell phone.
- find out how I can help you with flying
- discuss the possibility of a counseling session
- set up a time that fits your schedule
Outside the U.S. and Canada call 203 258-4803
- a twenty-minute session is $60.00 if not enrolled in a course.
- one twenty-minute session is free if enrolled in any course.
- additional twenty-minute sessions are $60.00.
- two one-hour sessions are included in the SOAR Guaranteed Program
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Note: Times Listed Are Eastern Time (same as New York)